Geo Ham Illustrator (Georges Hamel 1900 - 1972)
We are building this website around the celebrated but nearly forgotten illustrator Geo Ham. Our ultimate goal is to present all his work here but we fear that reaching that goal will remain an illusion as he has been VERY creative throughout his life. New arrival! Vintage Original 1935 MCF Motorcycle Poster by Geo Ham Litho Vintage Original 1935 MCF Motorcycle Poster by Geo Ham Litho Feel free to visit our sister websites: www.ClassicJack.com www.TheF1Store.com www.MaranelloMerchandise.com www.RaceWinkel.nl www.RossiMerchandise.com www.MotoMerchandiseShop.com www.Macora.com www.ExperienceLeMans.com www.Zagato-Cars.com www.RalphSchumacher.com www.FerrariStuff.com www.PiccoloWorld.com www.GeoHam.com www.Valentino-Rossi-Shop.com www.Valentino-Rossi-Shop.nl www.HouseOfTheTrident.com www.DellortoShop.com www.CarburateurWinkel.nl www.MaranelloLiterature.com www.CarburettorShop.com www.GunsonWinkel.nl www.GunsonShop.com www.TinToyShop.com www.RicambiCarburatori.com www.CarburetorCity.com www.LePetitCarbu.fr
Geo Ham Illustrator (Georges Hamel 1900 - 1972)